SMS Callback through EZ2SMS
Send SMS To 00447781484008 or 0027831421452
What to write in the msg:
U.username P.password D.destination O.source or orgin


U.11111111111 P.22222 D.18668371986 O.971504236177 Send SMS to 00447781484 OR 0027831421452

It will Callback to 971504236177 and connect it to 18668371986

To disconnect and call again from Origin Dial 11#  to redial Dial 1 .

You can also register your own Mobile Number and your own account from here :

Click here to register your Mobile.


*To register your SMS callback without any computer just using your own mobile:

You send SMS to register to 00447781484008 or 0027831221452  as:U.username P.password R.Your assigned number .


U.1111111111 P.2222222 R.971504236177 .

From Now on You do not need to send Username and Password Or 971504236177 You will send Only:

D.destiantion  To 00447781484008 Or 0027831421452 and it will call you on your registered number for this account




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P.S: You may only register 1 default callback number for each account.

*To receive the call on another source number:

You send message to registered clients as:

D.destination O.source number to 00447781484008  or 0027831421452 and you will receive a callback on the source number connected to destination.

*And to registered clients only send:

I. to 00447781484008 or 0027831421452  and you will receive an SMS by your current balance on your registered mobile.

You may register your account from HERE to your billing statment by adding default mobile number.

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